Sunday, August 26, 2007

focus on excellence

Dear all,

my dear fluffy fellow is on his way for a great career. For funsies, I have created a virtual company called Samuel Escudero Buenaluz GmbH in the SAP-test-environment is he is already living up to being the boss, right now he is with Moni on a coaching program for monkey entrepreneurs and should be looking like this:

Yesterday, staying at our preferred bar in Cologne with Raubfisch and discussing what is important and what is not, I felt that kind of itch that bothers when there is a dream to fulfill and still a few obstacles to overcome. MY dream at the moment is having a job I have been designing in my head and will quite probably get, go to Spain and live passion. To all of you and Sam and me: shall patience, strength and strong focus be with us to go through with what will stand in the way to succeed. We deserve all of it.

Spain, I am on my way.

Besos a todos,

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Man, theres a vampire in my bathtub!

Dear all,

MTV has cultivated a weird form of entertainment, such as the format punk´d, led by Ashton Kutcher, the guy dating Demi Moore. Dreadful!!!! One the of the two episodes I ever saw is this one, featuring Justin Timberlake, I could not really believe it. Up to here, the bad part of this week`s blog is this one:):

Justin Timberlake responded, I love that guy, and the following video cracks me up every evening, I guess it is a great way of drying my brain :)


Monday, August 13, 2007

Buster Keaton, cyclones and being famous

Well, well, well,

last weekend was filled with funny movies, laughing our heads off went it came to "the haunted house" with Buster Keaton, one of the silent black and white films in the old style...

After a little research, I found out the following about him:

"On a relentlessly hot day in July 1898, Buster Keaton, not yet three years old, lost part of a finger in a clothes wringer, had several stitches after a stone thrown into the air gashed his forehead, and was carried off by a cyclone."
His parents were scared leaving him alone after that and therefore took him to their work, both of them actors. That was the beginning of his career. I wish my clumsiness would lead me somewhere professionally...

Well, at least I can put this on my wishlist: If once in my life I am able to make people happy like Buster Keaton did (1 minute!), I guess I will be happy, he has given us 45 minutes of our lives crying from the laughter and having stomach aches without saying word!

But, much more important, I wish happiness for you all, no matter the shape!

Big hugs,

ps: my English feels weird lately, please apologise, that is another wish of mine - writing well :)))

Sunday, August 5, 2007

cell-phone acquaints laundry :)

Dear friends,

my place is a very friendly place, I will describe the latest event later. At the moment, I guess the studying during the week and hanging out during weekends damages my brain. Which is good for Samuel, my friend La Golfa and me took him to the playground last week for a foto session. One of many, as you guys might have found out already, but it is really fun:

Afterwards, he was so tired, he had to take a siesta, after giving me few advices on how to shake sand out of its fur, etc....

And then, as you might know from the very first stories (see the spooky gang) in this blog we have strange things going on in my house. This time, it was not a question of pets having fun, nohoooo...... Apparently, the laundry and the cell-phone have been communicating for a while and we only guess that the washing maching invited cell for a really good clean. This week, we already had a plastic bowl meeting the hot plate which made it literally melt, some pasta getting very friendly with the bottom of the pan until is was deeply black and today, whilst cleaning up the appartment we heared a very loud sound coming our of the washing machine. And with all the innocence in the world, the cell appeared inside in the window whilst the centrifuge was working, I guess it was clean enough :)

Hopefully, all the elements on the planets might want to meet in my appartment but I am begging them to keep the house intact, that´s all I am asking for :) Maybe, and here´s a second thought, some practical supervision from my side might be goooood!

Anyway, a week is starting and I wish you guys out there all the best in the world, my laundry instruction being; keep cell-phones apart from chatty washing machines at all times and NO bleach, please!
