A lot has happened!
Can you believe it - I moved to Cambridge, UK one year ago!
One of the perks of moving within your own country or abroad seems to be the following for me.
Reinvent yourself
Seriously, it´s a beautiful thing!
You meet so many new people. They have no idea of your past and you are literally in the moment, writing or short or long story of life together (if we take the time, that is).
The UK is growing on me. I haven´t left the country since February. Still raiding the supermarkets and discovering new stuff. Working my way through the nuances of British English. Finding so many new people on the way but sometimes actually being shy.
Yesterday, a bundle of Swiss teenagers were really going to town by checking girls out and commenting on their goods. Being in stitches at some point, I told them in German that some people do understand what they are saying and we all had a good laugh about it. It was one hilarious bus ride when one of them said: are you actually German? and do you live here?
On another note, and here comes the boring part, I am finally fed up with my eating habits.
I think that stuff has been bugging me for years. And, who knew! Gwyneth Paltrow with her love for food and cooking brought me back to the hob, the oven and food blender. On top of that, I am working my way through her second cookbook and she actually inspired me to try the concept of elimination diet. (I told you, this would be boring). It´s not diet to lose weight. It´s a diet to recalibrate your body first by leaving out a lot of typically damaging stuff (dairy, gluten, sugar, processed food etc). Once you have a base line, it is about re introoducing food and check whether one feels foggy, with indigestion, rashes or whatever). within a couple of months, I should be feeling better.
Being on the second day, I feel low on energy, but it this seems to be normal.
I would like to thank the UK for allowing me to reinvent myself and Gwyneth for guiding me to rediscover my love for cooking.
Can you keep finger crossed for me?
All is good.
Bless all of you out here,