Sunday, July 29, 2007

let s start cramming :)

Dear all,

we are finally getting the cramming started. I feel like for the last few months, I have been listening to the prelude of what we are supposed to know for the certification in October. The first in-depth chapters of the modules we are supposed to learn throughout the next weeks are very complex and apparently from a different planet (the SAP-one). So, I get a little help from my dear Samuel, putting flashcards in order and helping me keeping patient. Isn´t that cute?

For breaks at home, we have a good view, a tree in the patio is greeting us and it calms, while we sit in the perfect chair we got from our old friend P from my old town, Samuel will soon be on a foto accordingly, so you guys will literally have the full picture soon!

A big hug to all of you and keep me posted!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

back in life - soonissimo

Dear all,

soonissimo real life will start again! I feel like not having talked or written to you guys in ages, but I guess things will become better!

To tell you the truth, the life has been a blast, study-wise, and nerv-wrecking on the other hand side due some issues I might already have been mentioning in the one or other occasion! BUT here´s the head´s up for all of you: I am happy.

Imagine going to school, 8 hours of lessons straight, even a little romance in school involved, I am having it all, high-level high-school all over again :) ! Well, one thing is missing, which is: contacting everybody this message is addressed to. I miss the little and great things about all of you and I am sorry if you don´t hear about it in person, but better times to come!

A big hug, a great deal of smiles to all of you and for those of you who want to contribute to this blog, just drop me a line.


Monday, July 2, 2007

little human beings and Paris

Dear all,

we, and by that meaning Samuel my peluche and me have been meaning to write to your for a looooooooooooooong time.

We miss communicating to everybody as an individual out there, but we can tell you, the world is a funny one!

Last week, we have been invited to Paris and it was fun! see the world through Samuel´s eyes!

Imagine, we saw the Eiffel tower again, had a both great hosts and companionship and got really drunk (as far as humans go), enjoyed great food and a bunch of good vibes!

But the BEST NEWS in a long is the following, we good a heart-moving call from Bridget´s best friend B, she announced that this very special weekend, she gave birth to her daughter and I could not be happier about her, she sounded happy, relieved and proud of her little daughter and I all I want to do is see them all.

To the brand-new human Greta and her parents, I wish you all the luck and best in the world.

Greta, B and Christian, monkey-hugs from Samuel and a BIG human one,