we, and by that meaning Samuel my peluche and me have been meaning to write to your for a looooooooooooooong time.
We miss communicating to everybody as an individual out there, but we can tell you, the world is a funny one!
Last week, we have been invited to Paris and it was fun! see the world through Samuel´s eyes!
Imagine, we saw the Eiffel tower again, had a both great hosts and companionship and got really drunk (as far as humans go), enjoyed great food and a bunch of good vibes!
But the BEST NEWS in a long is the following, we good a heart-moving call from Bridget´s best friend B, she announced that this very special weekend, she gave birth to her daughter and I could not be happier about her, she sounded happy, relieved and proud of her little daughter and I all I want to do is see them all.
To the brand-new human Greta and her parents, I wish you all the luck and best in the world.
Greta, B and Christian, monkey-hugs from Samuel and a BIG human one,
Hey Guapa!
Yes it is true, Samuel had a lot of fun in Paris and we all had....
Always going one step ahead and letting the P M away. We should really keep the M away by the way, it is less dangerous!!!!
Samuel is learning the secret communication with human though too!
Since last night, Samuel has a new mission. His mission that he accepted is to link people together...
We all hope he will succeed in his mission. At least I do!
We will try to keep you posted in new Samuel and Co& adventures.
La Golfa
You know where is the next place to visit with Samuel...
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