Sunday, January 27, 2008

La tour EiFel

Dear all,

dear Annina, to answer your question: yesterday we went hiking in an area called Eifel which is quite close to Cologne going to a town called Niederzissen. Well, well, Birgit hiked carrying me, ;) and it was fun, sunny, windy and bright, perfect for my fur!

I just looked up some things for you guys: The Eifel covers a big area of land in western Germany, shall anybody be interested in specifics, please click here, you will see Köln in the upper part and Bonn, about 40 kilometres to where we went by car.

Furthermore, the Eifel-people are proud of > 20 peaks ranging from 279 meters altitude to appr. 800, castles like the Burg Olbrück we saw from outside (which might mean castle Owlbridge). It might not be the Himalaya, but some walking to do for humans! Some of the most famous places being Bitburg and Maria Laach, Prüm, there are small and bigger rivers merging at some point or another, the so-called Maars (volcano-seas), a lot of villages, grumbly habitants, wine, beer breweries and quiet, lots of it! Oh, and there is the Nürburgring, famous for Formel-1-car-races, Michael Schumacher, wild concerts and a vine-hiking-area for those of you who enjoy both of it at a time :)

Also, there are unpronounceable kinds of vegetation, stones and volcanoes to be mentioned so imagine the excitement about a castle for monkeys (replica) and the humans (original and HUGE from a monkey´s perspective). This link shows me taking possession of my castle-for-a-day, some pictures reflecting the weather and people (btw: the people you see were very nice and most of them did not even laugh about me though they did not know me or the purpose of accompagnying Birgit :), so no Eifel-natives!)

Thank you Birgit for carrying me around, I had a great time!

A big hug to all of you,

Yours, furry-ish,

Saturday, January 26, 2008

my home, my castle :)

Dear all, 
today I found something great, a castle in monkey-size! Will tell you more about it asap.
For now, fluffy hugs,

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

aaah, peace is in the house

you guys,

I am so relaxed.

That´s all for now :)


Friday, January 18, 2008

water, crackers and "champagne" on Sunday here in Köln

Dear all,

I couldn´t sleep because I had to think of you all.

After a drought of 1,5 years, including months of hard studying, the first snow after the accomplished certification in November, about 15 hours of onsite-interviews, countless headhunters, emotions up and down, I am so happy to give you a sign of relieve from my side.

Though I have tried and couldn´t make it to Spain in this first round, I will sign a contract with one of the subisidiaries of on of the biggest media groups in Germany (they DO have a subsidiary in Spain :) ) TOMORROW and I cannot stop smiling. Today I found out that they were actually not only waiting, they were stalling other candidates to get me in, that´s unbelievable! And while we´re at it: My next man will have to learn to speak Spanish since I will be there soon, I miss Spain so much!

At the moment, no panic from my side yet, I still have time to come up with that since I will start in March. ;)

I cannot start the list of helping minds and souls out there, I am deeply grateful for the experience of knowing you all and being accompagnied, to say it with Michael Jackson, "love you all"!

Hopefully see on Sunday at 8 pm here in Köln, Chris I hope that is fine with you :), Much less than prepared than usual, I will literally have some champagne, water and crackers to serve!

A big hug to all of you,

Thursday, January 10, 2008

today, whilst talking to raubfisch

... just came home from an interview, and here´s the latest status: 1 contract already at home ready to sign, the international position I have been assessed for this week might be mine, don´t know, will know by the end of next week. 1 position within a very famous flight carrier should be fine, too and I might be going to Switzerland next week to check out one last third aaaaaaaannnnd:

decision around Jan 20th and I get to choose, yeyyyyy!

couldn´t be more relieved about having options

Thank you all for being so patient and bearing with me throughout mumbling, whining and SAPpiness.

Big hug, B

ps: do not rat me out to the mirror-syndicate, I have been abusing it treating it like a whiteboard for studying purposes :)

Monday, January 7, 2008

today´s work

Today I found out that the human brain is capable of a few things, even mine :)

the interview went fine. Not perfect, but I went through and after that I learned that I might have some similar options, eg. in Switzerland or else.

Now, the only thing I want to do is to take advantage of my new, very warm blanket and sleep but I can´t because it´s 7-ish pm. So I will enjoy killing some time by making a few calls to see how you guys out there are doing.

"Mumbliness" might not be over, but overcome for today :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

I am still mumbly. Fine, but mumbly

Dear all,

I will be having a second interview on Monday 7th and I am very nervous about it, especially since there is not too much I can prepare apart from sleeping well and talking loong walks and having something I can hardly spell ;) :





