Dear all,
I couldn´t sleep because I had to think of you all.
After a drought of 1,5 years, including months of hard studying, the first snow after the accomplished certification in November, about 15 hours of onsite-interviews, countless headhunters, emotions up and down, I am so happy to give you a sign of relieve from my side.
Though I have tried and couldn´t make it to Spain in this first round, I will sign a contract with one of the subisidiaries of on of the biggest media groups in Germany (they DO have a subsidiary in Spain :) ) TOMORROW and I cannot stop smiling. Today I found out that they were actually not only waiting, they were stalling other candidates to get me in, that´s unbelievable! And while we´re at it: My next man will have to learn to speak Spanish since I will be there soon, I miss Spain so much!
At the moment, no panic from my side yet, I still have time to come up with that since I will start in March. ;)
I cannot start the list of helping minds and souls out there, I am deeply grateful for the experience of knowing you all and being accompagnied, to say it with Michael Jackson, "love you all"!
Hopefully see on Sunday at 8 pm here in Köln, Chris I hope that is fine with you :), Much less than prepared than usual, I will literally have some champagne, water and crackers to serve!
A big hug to all of you,
so happy for you. we should celebrate!
Hey sweetie,
I knew everything would be fine.
I am still VERY happy.
Tnaks for your support in my hard time last year.
If you have time, I could come after Carnival :-)
keren, I am sure we will find a moment to celebrate on-site and it´s going to be great!
Annina, when is Carnival this year? I will be free until March first except for the last weekend in February, so come and visit!
Still can´t stop smiling
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