In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
Khalil Gibran
So many of us have dreams hidden in the top drawer. Be it to be Bungee-jumping once in your life, participating at the marathon or simply dress in pink. Let´s start by describing the steps leading us there and enjoying the good things about life!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I love the 1850s

Amongst many weird things in my life, I have 1850 and the time around it haunting me in a good way. My favourite closet at home. John Ruskin (foto), Brahms, Goethe, Schumanns, Jane Austen, Alexandr Pushkin, Auguste Rodin and so many other cultural influences I admire were influenced or did influence that period and I seem to have a pretty strong magnet for it.
And I love the thought of having time to think about this rather irrelevant fact :)
do you have such thing?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
today´s story
Dear friends,
today´s story consists of looking back and being incredibly relieved. Whilst rearranging the house (the dormitory looked awful, nothing was really in its right place, asymetrical) and after connecting my laptop with my piano, I listened to a lot of music.
One album reminds me of last February and March in particular, walking in a park, looking into the sky and hoping for the best. I got much more than I expected. Professionally, from my friends, having a home I love... and all of a sudden I felt really aware, how risky last year has been, under so many aspects.
So, right now I almost feel like realizing I have avoided a really heavy accident, adrenalin goes up because and I am oddly aware of what could have happened, I am sure you guys know what I mean.
Will go to sleep now. Sorry for nagging.
today´s story consists of looking back and being incredibly relieved. Whilst rearranging the house (the dormitory looked awful, nothing was really in its right place, asymetrical) and after connecting my laptop with my piano, I listened to a lot of music.
One album reminds me of last February and March in particular, walking in a park, looking into the sky and hoping for the best. I got much more than I expected. Professionally, from my friends, having a home I love... and all of a sudden I felt really aware, how risky last year has been, under so many aspects.
So, right now I almost feel like realizing I have avoided a really heavy accident, adrenalin goes up because and I am oddly aware of what could have happened, I am sure you guys know what I mean.
Will go to sleep now. Sorry for nagging.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
the last days kept me really busy: searching the appartment like a junkie for the thingies to dry the nose (handkerchieves?), tea, aspirina and lucid moments during breaks from sleeping like a log.
I even skipped Valentine´s day which I was supposed to celebrate today for the first time ever, throwing candies around = joke for insiders
no hugs today but any time later, B
I even skipped Valentine´s day which I was supposed to celebrate today for the first time ever, throwing candies around = joke for insiders
no hugs today but any time later, B
Sunday, February 10, 2008
it´s a sunny, sunny day
Dear all,
as some of you already know, some really exciting days just went by, starting with my orientation days at "berti", my new company, my first actual two days of work in a looong time. It was weird and good at the same time. First of all, I felt totally good there, other new people and the introducing staff people took me seriously in my new position even though they had never met me before and could not really say if I am good with what I am doing. But apparently my new colleague, my new boss and the HR lady had done a good job with announcing me on beforehand :)
Then, as to being accepted in the new position, I have to admit my previous experience in the matter was sort of different. I professionally grew up in my old company, and whilst climbing the ladder, I had to deal with some deal envy, questioning on how and why I got into several new positions and the ordeal of the last chapter. So now there is some kind of relieve to announce, some pressure when it comes to my new area, but that´s an excitement and challenge which is very welcome :)
The geographical area of the branch I had to go to for orientation purposes was weird, too. Being rather in the north, I expected some mumbliness and whatever else (I really love my prejudices :) ) and I found some funny people there. The first evening in the hotel I sat in the bar and some guys invited me over, we actually had some fun time until my urge of sleeping asap overwhelmed me.
Well, and since I am reading tons of belles-lettres form the Hispanic and Anglosaxons, I enjoy sitting in the sun and reading. We are having a very early period of sunny days here. A simple book (some actual paper to touch), something to drink, being grateful for sitting there in peace, health, the blue sky above and thanking God for knowing all of you (which I can´t get tired of repeating :) ) on a really sunny day.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
this is Anina

Dear all,
I would herewith like to introduce Anina, left hand side on the foto. This picture shows us after an interview in München last November. We have gotten to know each other in Passau, Bavaria in a catholic choir in 1993 I think, Beatrix I think you guys got to know each other there :) Anina is an artist in her heart, with a lot of music, painting and reflection about people in her mind. She lives in Munich, loves Northern countries, her job and colours and I imagine many children are blessed with being taught by her. I think I took myself my very first steps actually painting with you, thank you for that, Anina! For Moni, she took a small cuddly toy travelling (geez, don´t know the animal´s name in English) and she and her friends ended up in the weirdest situations, taking fotos and making it a nice journey with a lot of fotos and beer in München and being a musician in Passau
Oh, she will come by next week and I am so happy so see here in Köln, I hope we will publish some of our adventures here!
Have a good journey, dear and see you soon,
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