Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I love the 1850s

Amongst many weird things in my life, I have 1850 and the time around it haunting me in a good way. My favourite closet at home. John Ruskin (foto), Brahms, Goethe, Schumanns, Jane Austen, Alexandr Pushkin, Auguste Rodin and so many other cultural influences I admire were influenced or did influence that period and I seem to have a pretty strong magnet for it.

And I love the thought of having time to think about this rather irrelevant fact :)

do you have such thing?

1 comment:

Anina said...

Well, I have some of those...

ancient Egypt, Celts and the same 1850s with Jane Austen :-))) but also Rodin

it is the same with some spots I absolutely had to see

You know my theories about it :-)

Life is an adventure especially at the moment