You guys,
just came back from a business trip in Northern Germany and I have so much to tell you.
One good thing that happened: Without asking about it, my boss told me I had passed the probation time ahead of time (regularly ending by September 1st). My slight paranoia does not really allow me to believe, I am afraid to jinx having a chance for a little bit of stability so I will give it full happiness on Sept 2nd.
Does anybody know who the lady on the picture is? Enjoy KYLIE in her latest video wow wow wow The video kids is much nicer I think, but "wow" will always remind me of Berlin i bet :)
Chronologically, ok. Last week, I went from work in Northern Germany directly to Berlin. Boy, are we grown-ups now: it used to be sharing cars with strangers and nice talks due to the low fare. and now, in casual business attire, take the rented car by the company, listen to Kylie, Coldplay and Rage against the machine enjoying the landscape and seeing your dear friends soon.
Bea went to the airport and it was so good to see her! First story of the trip: we were standing a couple of meters away from each other and my brain must have in in snooze-mode, it took me a while to figure out where I was, I couldn´t find her. But in the end we made it :)
We thought about taking pictures for you guys, but in between we were so tired... me from work, and Bea and Christian from working and taking the cutest care of their daughter. Foto session will be in place next time, I will try my best!
Last time I saw Greta she started smiling. And now she actually understands what we are saying! Ask her where her belly is she will look for it in her shirt! During the weekend we were worried about her, but it turns out that we all went through the same stuff in phases, so thank God everything is alright, "it´s just a phase" is herewith biologically proven!
Bea and Christian, I cannot get tired of telling you this, you are doing a great thing and I admire your patience! Not being used to typical family dynamics with a one-year-old-child, I think I lost it once, but I hope I wasn´t too strange, I did not really get it myself.
Oh, and now that I have a moment to think about it: Beatrix is the loveliest birthday girl I know! A big smile is already part of her, but her birthdays are so cool, it is lovely to see... So on Friday it was her day and I had the honour of joining with her family in Berlin for a BBQ. A nice family, masses of great food, a hilarious dog (his name is Kurt and we had a rocky start, but watching him from afar was so cool).
So many further things to tell (Bea, I will have to check out the Flamenco singer, !qué bombón!)
A big hug and thank you guys so much for this weekend!
To all of you, hope to see you soon and enjoy life!
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