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After nerv-wrecking working days, a little bit confusion on the days without the clear frame that a working day provides, I have started having "concentrated" piano sessions, being at home until the end of November simply having fun with Emilia, my dear piano. Sam usually sits on the piano and the books are in the shelf :)
I have given my beginner pieces to Ray so she might have fun with them in Italy (there are two pianos in her monastery).
Hence, I chose some new stuff and here we go.
The first real piece I am working on is supposedly from Petzold. I had learned it months ago. It´s a small piece and since I thought that my old metronom (older than a hundred years I think), was making fun of the speed I was applying, I bought a new one, much tinier (Samuel-size). So we (Emilia, the precise metronom and me) were quite amazed about having to change the order of fingers that will play the actual notes, otherwise I won´t keep the piece together (don´t know how to say that in English). In German the determination of notes/fingers is called "Fingersatz". Very good pianists might be able to vary the order and find the notes on the fly. I am not. And I believe that the brain has a memory for the procedure of things. And for me, a beginner with Emilia, it is very important to find a way to feel comfortable with one specific Fingersatz so after a while I won´t have to think anymore, not sure if I am explaining well.
So, since my first version of that piece without metronom was different, I am "re-wiring" my brain for the new way. Slowly and in peace, exercising with the right hand, the left hand, both hands synchronized.
It is such an adventure and so good! Thank God I am used to the procedure of learning to play an instrument, so this is far less scary than it sounds. And I think all of you know what I am talking about: there is something rewarding about it.
At some point, some varying feels good, so I also bought piano-pieces from Shakira and am slowly getting into accompagnying songs.
But it takes time and I will not sing at the moment, my voice feels a bit rusty and my brain has enough to handle by coordinating my hands and thank God I don´t have to dance :)
Well, you see, a lot of stuff is going on and I need a goal to work on. So Emilia and me are planning to have a concert in one year. Beginner pieces, cocktails and a frame we will have to define. Do not expect the Goldbergvariations but a happy me.
In the spirit of soonissimo I am keeping you up-to date on this one.
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