Wednesday, December 10, 2008

stories about a fugitive monkey, why germans like anglizisms and schnuckies

Dear furry and human friends,

I have the floor since B is watching House and thought that I should share some stuff with you, she misses you all! And I have to make it short since B is taking me on a business trip, so buckle up!

1. Schnuckies
B has Schnucki-issues, sometimes annyoing, sometimes cute ones. Boy, they are everywhere! And at a distance, or unknown. In the office, in the tube, well-spread and so far away. My suggestion is: Take her out if you are in the area. Tell her to stop being shy and relax. I will take care in a furry way and hug her whenever possible so she gets used to that, am I a good pet or what :)

2. why is English so convenient to so many people
B has been wondering: why is it so comfortable to use English expressions, it seems to be so easy to us and so many other people in Germany. Here´s what we think: the German language simply has too many words with thousands of letters!

sorry - Entschuldigung
goodbye - Auf Wiedersehen
health - Gesundheit
show - anzeigen
happy - glücklich

See? By the time you guys finish a German thought english-speaking people might already have finished a bundle of them! In fur-world, hugs mean so much more than this, but B enjoys thinking about such really irrelevant stuff instead of the giant real problems last year :)

3. the escape from the Zoo
B spends all day with serious number stuff and the people around her are: sometimes yelling, sometimes extremely generous, organized, chaotic, in every shape and so many personalities. So today, when one of the clowns (who likes being that, btw) was asked if he would like to tell to the on how he escaped from the apes department in the zoo...

...I think that did it for her, she laughed so hard about it the management came by to enjoy this joke. Then she went down to play foosball with the guys and just relax.

A huge furry smile, wave and many rays of sun, my dear friends,

1 comment:

keren said...

it seems that a lot of what we say is influenced by tv and movies (e.g., House!).
you hardly see people in real life in intimate situations, saying "i love you", but they're everywhere on the screen.
i think that's why it's easier to say i love you, or handle other rare intimate situations in your life in the language of Hollywood.

or maybe it's the impossible length of German words. :)
