Saturday, January 15, 2011

Oda - my genius

ok, it´s on.

"Onner" than on. Recently, I discovered, a website where people choose their topics and have an 18 minute talk about it.

Benjamin Zander on music, Jill Bolte, a neuroanatomist on her stroke, and this one is my favourite so far:

Elisabeth Gilbert - new perspective on creatitivty

Elisabeth Gilbert is the author of Eat Pray, Love. Has anybody out there ever read that book? I haven´t.

She introduces the audience to being terrified by the huge success she´s had with the aforementioned book. She raises the very valid question of "What now!? Am i EVER going to be able to create something equally recognised?" She says herself: probably not.

And here comes the interesting part:

She did some research and found out that the Greek and Romans in their times had a different view on what a genius is supposed to be than we have now. According to romans the genius is something inspiring a person or not. -> A poem looking for the author who hopefully has something to write in that very moment. It´s not the person itself only. Being creative is therefore an effort of an individual AND the genius in collaboration, unless the genius is having a lazy day. Or if the poet isn´t quick enough, the poem looks for the next poet to write it down.

This new perspective on creativity has a soothing effect on me. Our society is looking out for geniuses. We are not supposed to make mistake. Geniuses in our societies pay a high price, I mean who can be perfect ALL the time? I feel sorry for that. Don´t know. I have my infantile artistic minutes and my job from time to time requires having a good genius around. Others may aspire being a genius. I am rathing opting for fun. Whilst wrtiting these lines, I decided to call my insiration Oda.

I you have a couple of minutes to spare, enjoy Elisabeth quoting Tom Waits, scolding herself the unproductive genius in her office and the simplicity of life. For a couple of minutes.

Myself, I am making a pact with Oda. Come on, Oda, let´s get some stuff done and have fun :)

What´s your thought on this?

1 comment:

Robert B said...

Genius is by definition rare. I wonder how much genius is lost to humankind? How is genius lost? Genius must be discovered, nurtured, and survive before it is found.