Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

head-banging in the parking lot

You guys,

Sam came by on Friday to greet, my dear fluffy fellow is still travelling with Mon and they came to Köln and he loved the following story as an amendment to the previous blog.

During the 3 hour long examination on Friday, we were interrupted and went out for 20 minutes in order to re-boot systems, long story.

Anyway, I still felt full fo agrression and like having to listen to race against the machine, the song bombtrack is something very special and I guess it was perfect. To relieve stress I started headbanging in a parking lot were supposedly nobody could see me, bad-hair day combined.

That´s what the big company I might be joining does to oneself! A blond freak in the parking lot....

Hugs from Sam to all of you,

Friday, October 26, 2007

the lightness of being

Dearest all,

today is a strange day.

Woke up, in the mood of listening to Race against the machine and did so.
Then, I wanted to die (metaphorically, of course). Then I took one of the good-luck-socks (Sendung mit der Maus, Bea!), good-luck-pen, bad hair and a broken brain into the exam.

We had some stressy additional problems to bear in the exam and therefore I guess I will be upgraded into the group of people having passed the exam because I only missed the goal with one point.

Anyway, I will continue learning in November to stay ahead of the curve.

Now, I am very tired, incredibly relieved and in the mood to celebrate, talk to all of you soon, and cheer with Sam and Mon this evening, not knowing where the night will take us, quite probably into our preferred bar!

A BIG HUG to everybody, love and miss you all

Monday, October 22, 2007

17 reasons why - 2nd edition

Dear all,

I am happy because:

1. my head hasn´t exploded yet though the exam is near and I am quite likely to fail (no fishing for compliments, rather statistics in ratio with what I still lack PLUS I can be an idiot!)

2. Sam is having a good time with Auntie Mon:

3. I am soon able to do THIS:

4. For at least 4 days I will not have to touch a book unless it has to deal with romances, comics or Spanish

5. I will be able to play with Emilia the piano, she is still here and guess she is staying!

6. vanilla croissants did not hurt my shape because I basically did not eat anything else for two weeks and trust me, it´s not even possible to have more than two per day :)

7. I will be able to see my dear friend Bea and her little daughter Greta in Berlin SOONISSIMO

8. The planning for India is ahead then

9. have a party this Friday when the hazzle is done

10. drink one cocktail on Friday´s party night wishing you all well and sending thoughts

11. see last month´s Schnucki, yes, there is one every month to observe from afar but never touch :) (ps. schnucki is diminutive for adorable male eye-candy, we had that in Bonn University every day, even with rankings :) pps: Keren, pls tell Dalia, I think she still considers me gay, but in the other hand side, who cares :)))

12. uff, writing the rest of the 17 reasons why once I´m done

Love you all,

Sunday, October 14, 2007

obnoxious roommate


I am definitely NOT losing my mind when I send you this, it´s rather something encouraging addressed to all of those sucessful women who could not stop judging themselves. Maria Sipka from Xing has made me aware of the following hilarious contribution on women in worklife, I hope it is fun for you too :)



muppet mood

Dear all,

do you remember what it is like to be sitting on the couch, being not much taller than 1 meter and enjoying stuff like this:

happy times!

what is your preferred memory?



Friday, October 5, 2007


Dear all,

the genius composer Bach once made fun of his contemporaneans, i.e. the mocking-coffee-mob, it was believed to cause hallucinations and histeria :) his character, a father said his daughter wouldn´t get married if she´d continued drinking the "monkey´s drink" (please don´t tell Samuel, he loves the piece)

couldn´t care less, Johann Sebastian! In memoriam I enjoy a good coffee every morning! :)

oh, and there is sort of an relief going on, with the exam I am going to take, stakes are 50/50 to pass it, it is the most difficult exam on the market. So my recipe is to stay cool and walk right through!

And I miss Sam, he is still travelling and I hope he will be home soon, my little peluche :)

Big hug,