I am happy because:
1. my head hasn´t exploded yet though the exam is near and I am quite likely to fail (no fishing for compliments, rather statistics in ratio with what I still lack PLUS I can be an idiot!)
2. Sam is having a good time with Auntie Mon:
3. I am soon able to do THIS:

4. For at least 4 days I will not have to touch a book unless it has to deal with romances, comics or Spanish
5. I will be able to play with Emilia the piano, she is still here and guess she is staying!
6. vanilla croissants did not hurt my shape because I basically did not eat anything else for two weeks and trust me, it´s not even possible to have more than two per day :)
7. I will be able to see my dear friend Bea and her little daughter Greta in Berlin SOONISSIMO
8. The planning for India is ahead then
9. have a party this Friday when the hazzle is done
10. drink one cocktail on Friday´s party night wishing you all well and sending thoughts
11. see last month´s Schnucki, yes, there is one every month to observe from afar but never touch :) (ps. schnucki is diminutive for adorable male eye-candy, we had that in Bonn University every day, even with rankings :) pps: Keren, pls tell Dalia, I think she still considers me gay, but in the other hand side, who cares :)))
12. uff, writing the rest of the 17 reasons why once I´m done
Love you all,
good luck!
I'm so happy for Emilia and you!
You two shouldn't be apart.
Thank god, I can stop crossing fingers soon! And of course good luck, too!
Hi sweeties, thnak you so much! I will have to write again, but I promise to take out of it as much as I can.
AND I already have some jobplans, we are talking about multi-national companies!!!!!!!!!!
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