Tuesday, December 22, 2009


You guys,

Sam has been complaining about feeling dusty, so he is off soonissimoduty and about to have a great bath :)

First of all, after a lot of bureaucracy and some corresponding valid (maybe unusual but still valid) decisions I finally got some stuff done that had been bugging and upsetting me for weeks. Hopefully my streak of kicking some serious bum now continues, for details please come back to me, this is nothing for the public :)

While I am writing this, the soft sunlight lurks in, tomorrow peace is here.

For the moment, Happy Vacation Days and I hope I will be able to post smth before New Year´s Eve, ok?


Monday, December 7, 2009


This is Sam,

and I know we haven´t been writing in some time. We like to blame some stressy things not be mentioned here, all the great company, a lot of impressions, music, a banana bang in Köln main station, far to many dressing cabins, a literally cool picture on the Christmas Market in Mannheim, amazingness and so on and so forth.

But at the same time, moments of peace and finally some work on the future.

Will you more later on.

A big hug to all of you!