Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sombrero galaxy

I like this foto!

Sombrero Galaxy - foto taken from the Hubble


Ah, what fun! Three days of hanging out in Heidelberg, tons of food, cooking, talking, snowfights, four languages and many nationalities, ahhhhh!

Kudos to the host, the daughter and Max the cat!
Fue genial, chiquis!

Un beso,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

what do you think about this?

Maryann Williamson
our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure
it is our light, not our darkness that most freightens us
we ask ourselves "who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, happy, talented, fabulous"

actually, who are you not to be

you are a child of God
and playing small does not serve the world
there is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won´t feel insecure around you

we are all meant to shine a children do
we were born to make manifest of the glory of Gid that is within us
and it´s not just in some of us, it´s in everyone

and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same

as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am saying little prayers on a daily basis to all of you out there these days, let me start with that.

Even though I have not been able to blog for a couple of days, here are the things on my mind:

My vacation was awesome, there were so many great people involved and I am thinking of you guys!
- There was the concert already mentioned
- Lorena and husband whom I had a great day in Amsterdam with, you guys are awesome
- Bea and Co. was great!!! There were planetariums and museums involved, this lovely kid who really kicked the adults derierres playing memory, a house humming its own tune when it thinks nobody listens, Berlin in its scintillating ways, a birthday party (they know how to warm one up for birthdays which is not an easy thing to do when it comes to me!), an awesome brunch. Feeling like being home.

Thank you guys so much for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The last days have been filled with:
- the big bang (I feel literally a little less clueless about the world)
- Jonathan Franzen (hugs to my best friend :) )
- work
- LOTS of house arrangements:
I am working on my appartment for years now, and every feng shui-sorting/throwing-out-things session makes it nicer. For the rest, I wouldn´t bother re Feng Shui, even though it might make sense, what do you guys out there think? One thing not in order is the symmetrie in the rooms, I have a small tick about this, and my furniture does not always agree. There revolting consists of a couple of toom many or few centimetres to adjust things properly:)
- babysitting and devouring the story of Karlson on the roof by Astrid Lindgren myself after the kids were asleep
- Emiliaaaaaaa, yey! I am encouraging myself to take less breaks, and I am slowly getting in the piano mood AND start to have the patience to be there and only there
- an experimenting on not using facebook, no signs of withdrawals so far but it feels a little bit strange. I will hopefully stay strong and not go there before New Year
- advocating for peace, silence, something wild, something funny and lots of sleep, less internet, more books instead and most of all a lot of you guys around as much as possible.
- breathe in and out
- cook something healthy if possible
- stay in the moment

I like this moment right now. It´s here to be savoured, in other cases maybe hated. It´s all that there is. The rest is fiction or memory. I like this concept.

A huge hug.