Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Köln is not really used to snow

since yesterday morning, Köln is covered in snow which for a change doesn´t melt a second after falling. For the rest of Germany, this might be usual, but the area of Köln and Bonn are known to have a milder climate. Lucky me :)

Yesterday it took me 2,5 hours to get to work, towns, streets, train connections, everything in chaos. I have the hardest time remembering if in any other town in Germany people adapt quickly to the masses of snow. What I do know is that the highways were impossible to use and the snow chaos must have been one of the biggest in years. The temperature way below zero and the slow pace due to ice, everywhere do remind me of what Keren mentioned the other day, hopefully it is over soon, spring, where art thou :)

Today, I stayed home in order to prevent a cold, having litres of tea, spicy soup, sweets, watching friends and will go to sleep right now.

Love you all,

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